Monday, September 12, 2011

Random Babblings

It finally arrived! We've waited for nine months now, made phone calls to check on the status, wondering if we'd done something wrong. But our doubts were calmed when we read the words, "You are to appear on Wednesday, September 21, 2011, to obtain your United States certificate of citizenship." Binyam will officially be a U.S. citizen! I feel excited! I feel sad! Sad because this morning when I opened my email I was greeted with a Happy New Year's card from the Ethiopian Ambassador to the US. Today is Ethiopia's New Year! Two things to celebrate! Two beautiful countries, neither trumping the other. Two countries that will be a part of our lives forever!

On another note...we are waiting for a phone call from our agency telling us they have specific children in need of a family...asking us if we will be their family...waiting...

It could be tomorrow. It could be next month. It could be a year from now. No way to know the timing. So we wait and try not to let the waiting paralyze us from living today...